Artist development

Killer tips for staying productive

Some tips to keep you motivated and productive

We all go through times of high energy and motivation and through lows as well every now and then! We´re only human! If you have to work on a deadline or need to stay on track with a project, you will want to have some tools at hand to keep you productive.

I´m sharing my best tips to keep you in the saddle:

1) Give your body what it wants

A lot of times, when working long hours, we neglect our body´s needs. This may lead to a lack of sleep, water and movement. These basic needs are so necessary to keep your energy in place. Drinking a glass of cold water can be an actual motivational boost! If you are like me, then drinking water doesn’t come easy! Do it anyways! It makes all the difference! Staying hydrated is crucial for concentration and focus.

Same goes for a good night´s sleep! Being well rested is underrated! And so is movement! If you feel stuck and unmotivated, put on your walking shoes and go for a long walk around the neighborhood! I have found many times that the act of moving my body also helps my mind get back into action mode!

2) Find inspiration

I have stated this so often and I will repeat it! Inspiration is the best form of motivation! When writing a song and feeling stuck, walk away from it and listen to some new music on youtube! If you can find new artists that you like and resonate with, this might actually inspire you to try incorporating different sounds into your own music! Feeling inspired is one of the best feelings in the world! But this does not only apply to creative works! You might feel drained from office work and admin tasks. Go and look up successful people that inspire you and search for their daily routines! Let others inspire you to be more disciplined yourself!

3) Stop thinking! Just do it!

A lot of times, we tend to overthink! We keep telling ourselves how little energy we have and how the chores on our list are so boring and exhausting! Instead of listening to this destructive self- talk, stop the thought train and JUST GET STARTED! You might say…but I hardly find the time! Well, I urge you to become aware of how much time you spend on other tasks. Track how much time you spend on Social Media platforms (big pet peeve of mine)  to prepare just one post! Might take you 5 to 10 minutes! Fair enough! Now that you´re done though, commit to taking this exact same time out of your day to work on your project! Give it the same dedication you give to your hobbies! Even just sticking to a task for 10 minutes at a time can make you feel accomplished and eventually motivated to spend more time on the project! This is all about establishing a habit of getting started and then get going!

4) Add more tasks to your to-do list! the more the better! Challenge yourself!

I have recently shared this on the Song Brewery Instagram. My personal productivity hack is to add more to your daily to do list than you can handle! Why is that? Because I do not want you to settle for any less than what needs to get done! A lot of times by putting more onto our plates, we actually also get more done! If you plan to cross of three goals, you might struggle to keep going after the first or second task is done. If you aim for 5 goals you might end up crossing three off! So there you go! Your most important three are off the list! This tip is helpful to anyone who´s prone to self-sabotaging! Careful though! Do not make yourself feel bad for not accomplishing all 5 goals! This exercise forces you to learn to be kind to yourself as well!

5) Remember your big picture

One of the most powerful motivators is “Knowing your why“. Why do you want to get something done in the first place? What is your big picture and how will achieving our goal make you feel? Try to visualize your successes! In order to stay committed you must WANT to reach a certain goal or enjoy a certain process! So, do remember your Why and then go for it!

Bonus Tip

If you are an extrovert, you might benefit greatly from communicating with other people! Pick up the phone and talk to someone, or meet a friend during lunchbreak! Chat with a colleague over coffee! Whatever helps you gain new energy! Go for it!

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